Back to All Events The False Promise of Silicon Valley’s Quest to Save the World Thursday, February 7, 2019 3:00 AM 4:00 AM Google Calendar ICS ““Employees at Google have been fairly vocal about making sure that the company upholds its pledge to not be evil,” Liz Fong-Jones, an engineer on Google’s Cloud Platform, told Fast Company last year. In 2016, she was among 2,800 tech workers at Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and other companies who signed a pledge not to work on software that assisted discriminatory policies like President Donald Trump’s Muslim ban.” —
The False Promise of Silicon Valley’s Quest to Save the World Thursday, February 7, 2019 3:00 AM 4:00 AM Google Calendar ICS ““Employees at Google have been fairly vocal about making sure that the company upholds its pledge to not be evil,” Liz Fong-Jones, an engineer on Google’s Cloud Platform, told Fast Company last year. In 2016, she was among 2,800 tech workers at Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and other companies who signed a pledge not to work on software that assisted discriminatory policies like President Donald Trump’s Muslim ban.” —